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Can't get the plug-in to pull up on my mac?

Are you getting any specific error? Have you installed it to the right location? (See also the included Readme file.) If you need more assistance, feel free to email as well.

really cool plugin, i use it on almost all my basses

yeah  its not not for me - can i get a refund

You can contact for this.


Any chance to get like a timed demo version so I can see how it integrates with my workflow?  If not I understand, I'll probably buy it anyway, it would just be nice to see how it works in my setup.


Unfortunately we don't have a good way of doing a trial version right now, but we've been thinking about potential ways to solve that. It will be a while until we have this figured out though, so don't count on it to come anytime soon. Sorry about that! :(


That's understandable, it seems difficult to make a trial version eithout just giving your software away.  Like I said, I want it anyway, I'm too obsessed with Geoffrey's work to not get it, I was just hoping.


Hello I just bought this software and it appears to have charged me twice, there's no number to contact support so help would be appreciated


Please send an email to

Hey Nimble Tools. Did you ever get round to updating this for M1 support? It looks amazing!


Yes, Argent Compressor should work natively on Apple Silicon as of 1.2.0 :)


Hello, I am a student at BUas and I'm practicing with making music for video games. Like many others i've been inspired by Mick Gordon and his style, and anyone can see that this compressor is great for getting that style.

Sadly, like I said, I am a student, which means I am poor. Is it possible to get access to this plugin at a discount?

or at the very least a way to somewhat recreate this sound with a multi-band compressor?


Why not just ask your darn college for student finance... or better even, get a job and pay with your own money


any plans for linux support?


I've been meaning to look into it, but there's no concrete plans yet.


Does this plugin work on Reason?


I believe Reason only does VST2. Argent Compressor is only available as a VST3.

Any plans for an AAX(pro tools) version? 

No, unfortunately it will not be possible to release an AAX version right now.

hi, is the macOS build universal binary 2? (Is it apple silicon arm native)

Not yet, because I don’t have an M1 myself to test yet. I will be looking into this though!

Hey Guys, I'm trying to buy your Argent compressor, but it won't let me, as my purchase location is different to my billing address. I'm from the UK, but currently working in the Canary Islands. Surely i don't have to be in my house to be able to purchase something online? I've never seen this on any other website. Desperate to get it to use on some mixes I'm working on. This seemed to be the only place i could find to contact you! 

Any help would be most appreciated!



Hey Dean, this is an Itch thing and mostly out of our control. Best thing you can do is contacting Itch support via or check this page for more info:

Will this be compatible with older DAWs such as Cubase 5?

I'm not familiar with Cubase 5, which plugin formats does it support?

VST3 is supported but I have a 32bit version of Cubase 5 (though 64bit windows 10). Do you reckon I'll have to get a 64bit version for this compressor?

I would highly recommend upgrading, definitely. I can't guarantee if we'll be releasing a 32 bit version anytime soon, but I can look into it.


I got myself Cubase 11 64bit and I bought your compressor. It's absolutely insane, I can barely believe how much of a punch it gives my music. One of the best musical software buys I've ever done. Thank you!

I find it a bit odd (and frankly dumb) that the installer doesn't let you select the target path. Wasn't too hard to find the plugin in my files, thankfully, but take that as an improvement suggestion.

The setup installs Argent Compressor to the standard system VST3 path. Does your VST3 path differ from the default?

It doesn't as far as I'm aware. Like I said, it just struck me as slightly odd that I couldn't select the target path for the plugin where I've been able to do so for every other plugin I use. I generally make a "custom" folder on my drive where I install all my plugins - makes things more organized in a way - and if I can't select to install a plugin to that specific folder, I tend to wander around the filesystem looking for it. And wandering around the filesystem looking for a file is never ideal.

Anyway, played around with this for a bit. Certainly a fun little tool - I'm happy that there's finally a distortion plugin that makes me feel like Mick Gordon in a single package. Good work! c:


Well, to be frank...I never stumbled over any PlugIn that let u choose the VST3 install path at all. 99,9% of the time the VST3 version of any PlugIn will be installed into the default folder. It is what it is...😉

(2 edits) (+1)

I just bought and and so far it seems pretty cool

I have one wish for the future. The clipper and limiter has some thresholds at which they kick in with full force. I would love some controls over the threshold and the amounts of limiting/clipping i get from them, maybe even be able to turn them off.

After a few days with it i think i might be ready to say that this has been released too soon.

There are some pretty big issues in my case when i am trying to use it on some tracks the clipping/limitng kicks in and is boosting it into oblivion. Used it on a drumkit and i could either be over or under the limiter because god help my speakers and my ears it would smash stuff.

I still really like the concept, i use something similar with overly complicated controls pretty much everywhere else. The issues in the limiting section kind of makes me have too shelve it for now.

I hope that you get some ekstra controls on it in the future cause the world need this kind of compressor.

No AAX? Shame, this looks great

That plugin sounds so good! Just used it in Logic. Will there be an AAX Version of it to use it in Pro Tools too? 

We'll definitely consider it. Thanks for the suggestion!

Small update, AAX is not going to work out unfortunately. They have an extremely restrictive license that makes it almost impossible for indie developers to make plugins.

Already have some feature requests. There is currently no forum, yet? Please add dry/wet :)


Thanks for the suggestion!


Thank you. Another request, pass through to skip clipper or limiter. And maybe oversampling for clipper / limiter :)

I agree with both suggestions!


If possible dry/wet of the complete plugin, but also just the multiband...?

You mean per band? Or a blend between single -> multi?

I mean, that there is dry/wet also to blend in the multiband. Of course per band would be ultimate controle, but dry/wet to start with? :) A dry/wet for 'the whole' plugin would also be nice. I could go one .... different distortion types, more control over clipper and/or limiter. Simple 'next' to go to the next preset. Don't get me wrong, this thing is lovely, but could be a monster when adding more controls! Keep it up.



You know that hilarious stack of 27 effects modules, distributed across 3 or 4 mixer channels, and one of the channels is entirely a stack of 10 compressors? You know the maddening amount of time you spend fine-tuning to get this eldritch beast under control and nail that super-sweet brain-massaging distortion? You know how easy it is to lose your way or get major ear fatigue, only to return to the mix later just to hate how it sounds, and wonder where your life went so wrong?

This single plugin, for a very modest price, fixes literally all of that. No exaggeration. A lone Argent Compressor provides you with a very focused level of insane compression and distortion (anywhere from hellish and abrasive to honey-smooth) with a fine level of control to keep your workflow from spiralling out into sleepless nights. It's flexible, sounds better than the previous monster of effects stacks, and runs at literally a tenth of the CPU load (seriously, the CPU meter went from 85 to 11 after I cut out the previous monster and replaced it all with an Argent Compressor. That's including the CPU load for the 4 Harmor synths, and a master multiband compressor). Christmas came early for me!

Rip and tear your way into a better workflow. Seriously. More than worth the price.


I am probably not the first one to ask, but would it be possible to get any kind of linux binary / vst3 plugin compiled for ubuntu or similar at some point?


You're the first! :) Will take a look at this, but it won't be available upon release day unfortunately.


I just got nimble kick and now they made a doom compressor OOOOH YES CANT WAIT FOR THIS




Why is it not December 9th yet? T-T


It's fucking brilliant. Thanks to everyone involved in making this